All passionate about books and YOU, meet the ninjas of Blvnp who are ready to represent you for publishing!



Le-an Lacaba
Nickname: Le-an Favorite Book: The Alchemist Funny Thing About this Ninja: "My hands stopped growing in size when I was 10"
AJ Dane Gayosa
Nickname: AJ Favorite Book: The Little Prince Funny Thing About this Ninja: "I live life like a Broadway Musical"
Marinelle Aycee Perral
Nickname: Aycee Favorite Book: Memoirs of a Geisha Funny Thing About this Ninja: "I once cosplayed my husbando.*swoons*"
Ha Z Dignadice
Nickname: Ha Z Favorite Book: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Series Funny Thing About this Ninja: "I make some weird shit."